Try Me

In the TCPM try me directory we provide a ready-made template so you can see how TCPM works for yourself. Simply download this file into a new directory, cd into the directory, and do:


What just happened?

You should now have a, relatively large, CMakePresets.json file in this directory. It was generated from CMakePresetsVendorTemplate.json which is the default name for TCPM templates. Let’s take a look at this file:

  2    "version": 9,
  3    "cmakeMinimumRequired": {
  4        "major": 3,
  5        "minor": 30,
  6        "patch": 0
  7    },
  8    "configurePresets": [
  9        {
 10            "name": "configure-common",
 11            "hidden": true,
 12            "generator": "Ninja Multi-Config",
 13            "binaryDir": "${sourceDir}/build",
 14            "warnings": {
 15                "deprecated": true,
 16                "uninitialized": true
 17            },
 18            "cacheVariables": {
 19                "CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS": "ON",
 20                "CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH": "${sourceParentDir}",
 21                "CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES": "Release;RelSize;Debug;DebugAsan",
 22                "CMAKE_CROSS_CONFIGS": "all",
 23                "CMAKE_DEFAULT_BUILD_TYPE": "Debug",
 24                "CMAKE_DEFAULT_CONFIGS": "Debug"
 25            }
 26        }
 27    ],
 28    "vendor": {
 29        "tcpm": {
 30            "version": 1,
 31            "onload": [
 32                "$('#preset-group-build parameters toolchain').json($('#preset-group-config parameters toolchain').json()).exp()",
 33                "$('#preset-group-build parameters standard').json($('#preset-group-config parameters standard').json()).exp()",
 34                "$('#preset-group-build parameters configuration').json($('#configure-common cacheVariables CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES').text().split(';')).exp()",
 35                "$('#preset-group-workflow shape-parameters configuration').json($('#configure-common cacheVariables CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES').text().split(';')).exp()",
 36                "$('#preset-group-workflow parameters toolchain').json($('#preset-group-config parameters toolchain').json()).exp()",
 37                "$('#preset-group-workflow parameters standard').json($('#preset-group-config parameters standard').json()).exp()"
 38            ],
 39            "preset-groups": {
 40                "configure": {
 41                    "name": "preset-group-config",
 42                    "common": [
 43                        "configure-common"
 44                    ],
 45                    "parameters": {
 46                        "toolchain": [
 47                            "gcc-native",
 48                            "gcc-native-32",
 49                            "clang-native"
 50                        ],
 51                        "standard": [
 52                            "cpp-14",
 53                            "cpp-17",
 54                            "cpp-20"
 55                        ]
 56                    },
 57                    "shape": {
 58                        "toolchain": {
 59                            "toolchainFile": "${{sourceParentDir}}/.devcontainer/cmake/toolchains/{parameter}.cmake",
 60                            "cacheVariables": {
 61                                "MY_TARGET_PLATFORM": "{pq}(this).if('{name}' $= 'gcc-native-32', 'm32', 'native')"
 62                            }
 63                        },
 64                        "standard": {
 65                            "cacheVariables": {
 66                                "CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD": "{pq}(this).literal('{parameter}').split('{sep}').get(1)"
 67                            }
 68                        }
 69                    }
 70                },
 71                "build": {
 72                    "name": "preset-group-build",
 73                    "parameters": {
 74                        "configuration": [],
 75                        "toolchain": [],
 76                        "standard": []
 77                    },
 78                    "shape": {
 79                        "configuration": {
 80                            "configurePreset": "{pq}(this).literal('{name}').replace('{prefix}{sep}{parameter}', '{groups[configure][prefix]}')",
 81                            "configuration": "{parameter}",
 82                            "targets": [
 83                                "build",
 84                                "build_examples",
 85                                "build_unittests",
 86                                "build_compile_tests",
 87                                "docs",
 88                                "lint",
 89                                "release"
 90                            ]
 91                        }
 92                    }
 93                },
 94                "workflow": {
 95                    "name": "preset-group-workflow",
 96                    "parameters": {
 97                        "toolchain": [],
 98                        "standard": []
 99                    },
100                    "shape-parameters": {
101                        "configuration": []
102                    },
103                    "shape": {
104                        "toolchain": {
105                            "displayName": "{pq}(this).literal('{name}').replace('{groups[workflow][prefix]}{sep}','').replace('{sep}', ' ')",
106                            "description": "autogenerated workflow",
107                            "steps": [
108                                {
109                                    "type": "configure",
110                                    "name": "{pq}(this).literal('{name}').replace('{groups[workflow][prefix]}{sep}', '{groups[configure][prefix]}{sep}')"
111                                }
112                            ]
113                        },
114                        "configuration": {
115                            "steps": [
116                                {
117                                    "type": "build",
118                                    "name": "{pq}(this).literal('{name}').replace('{groups[workflow][prefix]}{sep}', '{groups[build][prefix]}{sep}{parameter}{sep}')"
119                                }
120                            ]
121                        }
122                    }
123                }
124            }
125        }
126    }

The first thing you might notice is this is a valid CMakePresets.json file with a single "configurePresets" entry, "configure-common". The template part of this file is found in the top-level "vendor" section starting with the tcpm object on line 29. In this object the preset-groups object should look a bit familiar having objects named “configure”, “build”, and “workflow”. Each of these corresponds to preset groups by simple textual concatenation of “Presets” to the end of the identifier (e.g. “configure” => “configurePresets”).

On line 41, the "configure" object contains all of the information used to generate "configurePresets". Let’s go over each item in this object:








A name for this object to allow direct addressing in pQuery statements as $('#{identifier}').




A list of "configurePresets" entries that all generated configure presets will inherit from. This field is only used for for "configure" presets group.



object[string, array[string]]

This is where the magic happens. Parameters define each dimension of a matrix and it is the cartesian product of each of these parameter lists that TCPM uses to generate new presets.



object[string, array[string]]

The same as parameters except these are not used to create presets but, for any presets created, are used to instatiate parameterized shapes for each preset.



object[string, object]

Shapes act like templates for parameters and shape-parameters. Each shape is used when a given parameter is part of a new preset definition to append additional data to the preset object. "cacheVariables", for example, can be defined for new presets using shapes whereas worflow steps can be defined using shape-parameterized shapes.

In our example we generated every posible configuration needed to build a project for three different toolchains using three different C++ standards. Let’s suppose we want to run these build presets using Github Actions. We’d find that this system supports a similar syntax for defining a matrix of build jobs:

        toolchain: ["gcc-native", "gcc-native-32", "clang-native"]
        standard:  ["cpp-14", "cpp-17", "cpp-20"]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: cmake --workflow --preset workflow-${{ matrix.toolchain }}-${{ matrix.standard }}

Let’s say we don’t want to build "cpp-20" using the "gcc-native-32" toolchain. Github actions allows pruning the result set using exclude. For example:

        toolchain: ["gcc-native", "gcc-native-32", "clang-native"]
        standard:  ["cpp-14", "cpp-17", "cpp-20"]
        - toolchain: gcc-native-32
          standard: cpp-20
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
      - run: cmake --workflow --preset workflow-${{ matrix.toolchain }}-${{ matrix.standard }}

TCPM supports a similar syntax in JSON form to prevent generation of this workflow:

"exclude": [
        "toolchain": "gcc-native-32",
        "standard": "cpp-20"

Try adding the above exclude to the CMakePresetsVendorTemplate.json under ["vendor"]["tcpm"]["preset-groups"]["workflow"]. Now do tcpm -f (-f to force overwrite of the existing CMakePresets.json file) and you’ll have a slightly smaller presets file that does not provide a workflow for this combination of parameters.